Single channel video in loop


11  ombligos al mar [11 Navels to the Sea] recreates a family reunion where the matriarch, my grandmother, releases into the sea the cords of her children and siblings after having preserved them for decades, waiting for the right moment to perform it in a ritualistic manner—a gesture of detachment from the bonds that unite them. 

It comprises a video, featuring blurry images of the reunion and a voiceover that recollects my fragmented memories of the event. Additionally, it includes a wooden box—a symbol of the vessel that once preserved navels—and a vintage photo album containing pictures from the reunion. Through these elements, I aim to evoke tangible expressions of an ephemeral yet powerful moment, resurrecting remnants of the past. This installation underscores the enduring and indivisible nature of the mother-daughter bond, one that transcends the passage of time.

still of video
still of video
still of video
still of video
still of video
Installation view of 'Inventar un cuerpo', a group show of the program Ecosistema de Afectos at Laboratorio Festival,  Buenos Aires, Argentina

Installation view of 'Inventar un cuerpo', a group show of  Ecosistema de Afectos at Laboratorio Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Detail of installation

Detail of installation

Installation view at group show 'Inventar un Cuerpo' at Laboratorio Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Installation view at group show 'Inventar un Cuerpo' at Laboratorio Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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